To book contact: Jane Okondo on:
M. 07500 838 563 or E.
In these workshops Amber will provide theoretical, scientiZic, and contemplative rationale for the use of movement as measure of protection, self-care, and increased resilience, as well as an emergent best practice approach for therapeutic work with survivors of trauma.
On 30 September Amber will offer a Continuum Movement workshop where we will explore the art of ‘Fluid Resiliency’ through the deep resource of Continuum Movement.
On 1-2 October Amber will present her pioneering work where we will simultaneously learn breath, movement, rhythm and dance based practices that promote resilience and that can be used in therapeutic work with our survivor clients of all ages.
Resilience is often referred to as something we build; resilience is actually a process that derives from, and supports, relationship, connection, and engagement. Current studies in the Zield of neuroplasticity demonstrate that movement “grows the brain” and restores wholeness and well-being more efZiciently than anything else. The extraordinary power of movement and dance therapy to support our clients healing, is also a resource for therapists and healers to maintain our own strength and connection through challenging work.
We live in a world where we can be more exposed to the suffering of others through social media, and more likely to encounter others suffering in our classes, practices and daily lives. Refugee crises, disasters due to climate change, and unusual disease outbreaks Zill the news-streams, daily. Those of us who directly steward the restorative process for survivors of trauma are exposed to stories, histories, and emotions that impact our own well-being and worldview. If we have known our own suffering, we can be even more affected.
These workshops combines learning from scientiZic research with actual embodied practices to “grow” our brains, and hearts, in promotion of states of well-being such as self compassion, courage, and being grounded; all to promote resilience. Each workshop is appropriate for clinicians, psychotherapists, somatic movement therapists, body-workers, movement artists and educators as well as those curious about the healing potential of movement.
To download article by Amber Elizabeth Gray go to